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Reza Aramesh

Born in 1349, Iran


In his politically and emotionally charged sculptures, photographs, installations, and performances, Iranian-born, London-based contemporary artist Reza Aramesh confronts violence and oppression around the world, and examines how mass media portrays conflicts and their ramifications. Drawing upon his deep knowledge of the history of art, film, and literature, Aramesh begins his pieces by culling news images from print and online sources. He then isolates individuals or small groups of people from these images, and re-displays and recontextualizes them. Stripped of everything but their facial expressions and body language, these figures stand as searing symbols of the human cost of conflict. As Aramesh once explained: “This has always been central to my work . . . can restaging violence and oppression, in different contexts, engage with the original act of violence, or at least get us to think about that act?”

Auctions participated by Reza Aramesh

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2017 | Action
1,500,000,000-2,000,000,000 Toman
Action 26: You Were The Dead, Theirs Was The Future
2007 | Action 26: You Were The Dead, Theirs Was The Future
Action 65 - Egyptian prisoners captured by Israeli troops during the Six Day War in the Middle East, 09 Jun 1967
2009 | Action 65 - Egyptian prisoners captured by Israeli troops during the Six Day War in the Middle East, 09 Jun 1967
15,000-20,000 Dollar
Action 106 West Bank : Israeli soldiers guard an unidentified Arab prisoner.
1967 | Action 106 West Bank : Israeli soldiers guard an unidentified Arab prisoner.
30,000-50,000 EUR
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Art Fairs participated by Reza Aramesh

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Artworks of Reza Aramesh

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ACTION 361 Roumieh Prison 26 April 2005 PROGRESSION #114
2023 | ACTION 361 Roumieh Prison 26 April ...
45×30×6 cm
ACTION 344 Feres Border Guard Station 23 December 2019 PROGRESSION #97
2023 | ACTION 344 Feres Border Guard Stat ...
30×25×5 cm
Action 165: Study of the Head as Cultural Artefact
2023 | Action 165: Study of the Head as C ...
46.7×29.5×28.4 cm
Action 237: Study of the Head as Cultural Artefacts
2023 | Action 237: Study of the Head as C ...
27.9×16×35.9 cm
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