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Wild texture

Painting, solo exhibition

19 Jul 2019 - 24 Jul 2019


In the description of this exhibition, Mr. Parizad writes:

“The first collection:
I break everything up to the moment, that I find the finest pitches for every single piece of my paintings. I break them but it’s not like breading a glass and patching the left overs together, but to control their crackles, I tell them how to crack. Have you ever looked at the backside of our hand? You are also breaking apart and by time passing, these failures become more and more and their words become more clear till they reach to their pure entity.
The second collection:
This universe is a manifestation the truth that without light all my pieces become silent. We are united with that truth, even though we are different races and regions."


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Ali Parizad
Ali Parizad
Ali Parizad


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