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Painting, solo exhibition

01 Nov 2019 - 06 Nov 2019


Shalman Gallery is proud to invite you to attend Elmira Babaei painting exhibition “Shapeless”  on Friday November 01, 2019 from 4:00 to 8:30 p.m. | This exhibition will be continued until Wednesday November 06, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Mrs. Babaei statement describe their works as follows:
“We are trying to shape, rearrange and make our environment every day; even we can try not to change it. It is all happening because of the thought that we are the subject to change our environment and everything around us. But the question is: “Whether is it true?” For example, between a thousand chairs we choose and buy only one would be a special chair for our sitting style afterwards and it is just as simple as it is.
Therefore, I prefer to explain the whole picture which is based on humanities and the statement of the man. The human not as just as uninvited and evolutionary creature on the earth but the human in the cities which its black soil is the pasture of the crane in the cement surface of century. This collection is referring to my personal view towards man whom is living in this complex world with its dailiness and technologies. The man surrounded by objects. Combinations of colours with materials have an important role to process this attitude."


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Elmira Babaei


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