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Works by Asareh Akashe

solo exhibition

07 Feb 2020 - 25 Feb 2020


Paper in Asareh Akasheh's artworks, is not merely a base or a context on which the art work is created. Rather, the paper itself, its color, texture and the process of its production, take it beyond being a mere two dimensional surface on which the art work is executed and transform it into an object (a volume) in itself. Craftsmanship, being in direct connection with the work of art, creation and destruction and again recreation along with the time it takes for the art work to emerge are the significant elements for the artist. Another point in Asareh's works is the pieces of the artwork. A piece as a part of a whole. The repetition and arrangement of these parts form the final work which never represents the whole. She has a psychological and aesthetic approach towards her art. This approach emerges from her personal life, her perception of herself, and her relations with her surroundings and environment.


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