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solo exhibition

18 Sep 2020 - 29 Sep 2020




A person is transmuted by suffering. In this day and age, where sudden changes occur in every aspect, we have come to the understanding, either consciously or unconsciously, that in the race for survival, inflexibility equals elimination.
At the same time, we are faced with humans and an environment on the verge of destruction. Man's relationship with the world is cold, rotting and rusty. Without a choice, mankind must become more and more flexible every day, in order to survive. Unconscious of the fact that this very flexibility is causing him to crumple. In the end there is no way out, neither for man nor for his environment.
The only thing which remains to be done is self-sacrifice for oneself. When mankind finally gives up his sanctity and drinks his own milk, only then will he attain individuality and recreate himself.


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