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Curated by: Reza Shahhosseini Mahsa Ghasemi

Painting, Calligraphy, group exhibition

02 Oct 2020 - 07 Oct 2020


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"Human is a being open to the world, to reach this openness means to distance oneself from the animal order, and to distance oneself is done by man with the help of spiritual power, and this is where the "act of reason" (man's ability to question the recognition of the universe) finds meaning. (Dariush Shaygan, p. 227)
The crisis of Corona, the sense of worry and domination over it, put man in a predicament that you constantly try to pull yourself out of this predicament and overcome it. Overcoming and quarantining or coexistence and compatibility? Inevitably, then, one must expose oneself to suffering, toil, and entanglement, so that perhaps with the radiance of the sun of hope, the way to overcome the darkness of the predicament of this period will be revealed.
Now, with all the adversities, inefficiencies of the century, loneliness and the fear of being defeated in a sometimes hidden and sometimes overt form; It has put modern human life in trouble. Perhaps it is not without grace to expose ourselves to contradictions and problems in order to test ourselves, so that the hidden diamond of human existence, behind the art of creation, is doubled."

 Ali Mazarei


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