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The Spectacle

Painting, group exhibition

11 Jun 2021 - 25 Jun 2021


In this shared experience, the repetitive sequence of historical events is disrupted and ancient and contemporary times are intertwined. In this collection of works, the relationship between tangible and real elements is portrayed in such a way that the created illusory situation point to symbolic meanings. Mysterious forces encompass people, animals, plants and objects. In this eerie world and in the heart of the horror stories, the strangest events seem normal and natural. Fear of emptiness and futility of material life causes a change that eventually expands the scope of visual memory and imagination. Showing a nightmarish and threatening atmosphere raises doubts about reality, and by portraying the impossible, a confusing truth is revealed.

In this world, nothing is natural and definite, and anything that seems genuine can be an anomaly and therefore quickly lose its identity. In these works, the earthly human world that seeks immortality is confronted with a mythical world that is tired of timelessness and seeks death. A dream of timeless events in an unknown land, where a complex reality is simplified and offers an improbable and variable aspect to social conditions. The characters are products of the artists’ view of this time and this place, of their imagination and also sometimes borrowed from old images and narratives; all intended to praise life and to express humanity’s pain and finally to realize imagery that allows for fantasy to overcome reality.

Parisa And Manijeh Hejazi


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