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In Appreciate of Blinking

Painting, solo exhibition

03 Sep 2021 - 01 Oct 2021


In Appreciate of Blinking”

‘Blinking’, the moment that black and colorfulness are intersected. 
the gap, between the moment that is expiring, and the one that is arising.
We are blinking while we sway between blackness and color. each blinking is an instant shift between existence and nonexistence. I think of how magic this transformation is. The blinking series is a search to find the meaning of blackness and emptiness in terms of putting black color next to other colors.  
Black is full of contrasting and opposing meaning. Black is color but it is not color. Black covers and banishes everything and yet everything emerges from it.
Black is a space that allows us to let our imagination fly. Black is absence of visible light, Black causes darkness and at th…


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2021 | Hoda Kashiha
2021 | Hoda Kashiha
2021 | Hoda Kashiha
2021 | Hoda Kashiha
2021 | Hoda Kashiha
2021 | Hoda Kashiha
Hoda Kashiha


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