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And the Walls and the Bars

solo exhibition

01 Oct 2021 - 19 Oct 2021


The show consists of a number of light boxes, drawings, prints, and two
three- and seven-minute 2D animated video. The main idea of the show is
based on aesthetics and concepts of animations. The concern that shaped
these works was the desire to find a connection between scattered thoughts
about movement, poetry, resistance, ecosystems, and water.
The music on the videos are deep techno music with dub and echo sounds,
composed by Farzan Badie, DJ, sound engineer, and the co-founder of Beshknow internet radio.


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2021 | Mina Mohseni
2021 | Mina Mohseni
2021 | Mina Mohseni
2021 | Mina Mohseni
2021 | Mina Mohseni
2021 | Mina Mohseni
2021 | Mina Mohseni
2021 | Mina Mohseni
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