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Painting, solo exhibition

29 Oct 2021 - 09 Nov 2021


“Like everyone else, his life is so fragmented that each time he sees a connection between two fragments he is tempted to look for a meaning in that connection. The connection exists. But to give it a meaning, to look beyond the bare fact of its existence, would be to build an imaginary world inside the real world, and he knows it would not stand.”
– Paul Auster, “The Invention of Solitude.”

In this collection, the artist has employed the Internet and television as his main sources of inspiration, trying to challenge the relations between formal, technical, metaphorical and thematic elements in the process of painting. Rather than having a specific form and structure and referring to the “existence” of such elements, the collection on display deals with the process of formation and the “becoming” of these issues.
In the creation process, the artist has used collage as the foundation of some of his paintings; whereas in others, he has taken a more improvised and organic manner by referring to these fragments through the composition, revision and elimination of visual elements.


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2021 | Farzad Majidi
2021 | Farzad Majidi
2021 | Farzad Majidi
2021 | Farzad Majidi
2021 | Farzad Majidi
2021 | Farzad Majidi
2021 | Farzad Majidi
2021 | Farzad Majidi
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