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group exhibition

01 Mar 2022 - 12 Jun 2022


Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh, Hesam Rahmanian are known for their immersive, surreal projects, performances, paintings, and animations, which have exhibited internationally, at multiple biennials and major museums (including  Liverpool, Sydney, and Toronto biennials, and Kunsthalle Zurich, ICA Boston, MACBA Barcelona, and a forthcoming project at the Hayward Gallery, London). Originally from Iran, they have adopted Dubai as their home.

For Parthenogenesis, their first institutional solo exhibition in the UAE, the artists will create a landscape in the gallery that traces how an artwork grows itself through an artist’s relationships with others.  

Parthenogenesis is a testament to their 13 years in Dubai as artists living and working together, creating a landscape and network of continuously evolving ideas and dialogues with collaborators, artists, and visitors to their home. 


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