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group exhibition

10 Jun 2022 - 07 Aug 2022


In its current exhibition, the bubble bath – Freies Atelierhaus Graz approaches the connection between closeness and dependency, gaining comfort and losing control. Because the term dependency usually suggests a connection with intoxicants or substance-induced addictive behavior. And thereby negotiates an image of "the others" who are "not strong or disciplined enough" to discipline themselves. The artists invited to the bubble bath, on the other hand, approach the moment that harbors the germ of loss of control in everyday situations and arrangements. Just as the blessings of the digital world make our lives easier, fossil fuels fuel our dreams of affluence and convenience.

Whole hosts are programming the expansion of the digital division of labor: from smart homes to self-driving cars to housemaids controlled by algorithms. Where is the tipping point between gaining comfort and losing control and what triggers this change from attachment to addiction?


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