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Internal Structure of the Heart

group exhibition

26 May 2023 - 16 Jun 2023


This selection of intergenerational group of visual artists are using architecture for more than just its functional purposes, aiming to shed light on wider social forces in Iranian life through the lens of space, time, and geography. Their works express a strong sense of solidarity with suppressed narratives, captivating the viewer’s imagination through the creation of new spaces using unconventional tools, unfamiliar homes, and innovative architecture. In light of recent political and social transformations, it can be argued that freedom is the common thread in all social aspirations. Despite this, freedom in public spaces remains elusive, but traditional architecture has the potential to create commonalities while minimizing differences. The main objective of this collaboration is to offer a fresh perspective on the current state of affairs. The exhibition is the outcome of bringing together thirteen contemporary artists who have utilized a range of media such as video, sculpture, design, and painting to create their works. Each piece embodies a unique sense of freedom and specific approaches in addressing the concepts of architecture, space, and geometry.

Shirin Gharavisky


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