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solo exhibition

29 Dec 2023 - 10 Jan 2024


The German philosopher Martin Heidegger, sees history as cyclical. 
The tendency to preserve the history and restoring the idealistic approach into the past and reviving the historical events is an undeniable propensity. 
Heidegger believes that history returns but in the sense of a new beginning, and as a reminder of the concepts of present and future; This is what can be clearly seen in this exhibition.
Here, the formal structure of the works is constructed by myths. But in the theatrical scenes of these paintings, mythological characters are an implement for projecting the sufferings of contemporary life.
The shrewd artist looks to the past practices through a critical lens. He seeks the mysticism of which the tradition of persian art has enjoied through the centuries. The composition of the works and the way in which the characters are chosen, altogether has merged the past and the present to point to the history of current miseries.
Decoding of these reexpressions adds to the delectation of seeing and revealing these narratives.


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2023 | Davar Yousefi
2023 | Davar Yousefi
2023 | Davar Yousefi
2023 | Davar Yousefi
2023 | Davar Yousefi


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