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From the series of incomplete stories...

solo exhibition

01 Mar 2024 - 13 Mar 2024


My works are drawn in the moment with emotional and fast brush strokes. Sometimes with gray colors, sometimes with a wide variety of colors, but in a "moment".
Every work of art is an unfinished story, sometimes the artist completes it, sometimes others.
During creation of my works some spontaneous forms cross my mind consistently and i extend  them on the canvas, they are derived from nature or architecture. And I also brought together what had been received mentally with my inner emotions in works of calligraphy in form of letters and words.
Layers of oil paint, by chance, create spaces and lightings from one surface to another on the canvas, in result texture of letters and words are formed based on it.

The continuity of Iranian "Nastaliq shekaste" script, in an integrated texture with many curves and circles and with solidarity of letters like a chain, in the direction of the form is one of the features that I have found in such writing.
Saeed khooyeh 2024


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