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Nine Works of Iranian Modern Art

Curated by: Takin Aghdashloo

group exhibition

29 May 2024 - 02 Jun 2024


The emergence of Iranian modern art in the late 1940s marked a pivotal moment in the nation’s cultural landscape. Following the return of Iranian artists from European art schools, a fresh wave of artistic expression arose through the country, inspired by the fusion of Western artistic movements and Iran’s rich cultural heritage. This exhibition examines the works of twelve distinguished Iranian modern artists who have shaped the contemporary and historical narratives of Iranian culture.

At the forefront of Iranian modernism are two significant movements that emerged in the latter half of the 20th century. The Saqqakhaneh movement, deeply rooted in traditional Iranian folk culture and Shia Islam traditions, stands as a testament to the artists’ ability to blend Western artistic techniques with local motifs. This fusion resulted in a dynamic form of expression that not only recognized Iran’s cultural heritage but established what is largely acknowledged as the first culturally specific modernist art movement.

Parallel to the Saqqakhaneh movement was the revival of traditional Persian calligraphy. Dating back over 1400 years, Persian calligraphy holds a central place in Iranian art and culture. Artists within the Saqqakhaneh movement recognized the artistic potential of calligraphy in a modern context, leading to the establishment of a vibrant school that continues to influence contemporary Iranian art to this day.

In addition to these movements, a third group of Iranian modernists emerged who explored broader conceptual and stylistic currents of Western modernism. While less tethered to traditional Iranian art forms, these artists made significant contributions to the evolution of Iranian modern art, enriching the cultural landscape with their unique perspectives and approaches.

In Nine Works of Iranian Modern Art, we survey the works of nine of the most distinguished artists of Iranian modern art, whose works are essential to both contemporary and historical understandings of the richness of Iranian culture.

– Takin Aghdashloo


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2024 | Aidin Aghdashloo
1986 | Masoud Arabshahi
1990 | Mohammad Ahsaie
2017 | Monir Farmanfarmaian
1981 | Sirak Melkonian
2002 | Aliakbar Sadeghi
2002 | Parviz Tanavoli
1952 | Manouchehr Yektaei
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