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solo exhibition

31 May 2024 - 21 Jun 2024


Scientific images are often overlooked in the usual trends of art history. It is often thought that scientific images depict purely natural phenomena devoid of any connection to the realm of imagination. Contrary to common belief, many images found in scientific books are constructed and artificial. For example, the helical model of DNA is derived from the imagination of an artist and influenced by minimalist sculptures and the works of Alexander Calder. Farhad Gavzan's recent collection also makes references to atoms and black holes, while incorporating elements from Gavzan's earlier works. Departing from the reference of this collection to scientific images, it seems that the representations of black holes in these images imply 'dissolution,' which is a two-sided matter: on the one hand, it signifies non-existence, and on the other hand, it signifies dissolution into something else and the emergence of a new system.
Amir Nasri


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2018 | Farhad Gavzan
2017 | Farhad Gavzan
2023 | Farhad Gavzan
2023 | Farhad Gavzan
Farhad Gavzan
Farhad Gavzan


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