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The Other Face

solo exhibition

09 Aug 2024 - 16 Aug 2024


The Other Face


In a series of his latest paintings, Nasser Azizi has created portraits in an expressive style and, unlike his other collections, on a smaller scale. These works primarily depict the emotions and inner worlds of his subjects, now presented before the viewer. The artist goes beyond merely reflecting the outer appearance of the portraits, using creative visual elements to explore the dimensions and personality traits of his subjects.


In these portraits, much like his previous paintings, Azizi employs a free and open expression both technically and in character depiction, creating a space that lies between reality and imagination. More precisely, these portraits can both reference the realistic aspects of people around him and be the result of the artist’s personal impressions from observing and understanding his environment.


Naser Azizi    



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Naser Azizi
Naser Azizi
Naser Azizi
Naser Azizi


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