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Pullulation Of A Dream

solo exhibition

20 Sep 2024 - 22 Sep 2024


The Act of Separation and Union

The separation of a fragment from the whole

Like a cutting from a plant, the split fragment transforms into a new desire and dream, gaining an independent identity

This separation is not a rupture but, in fact, a reflection of unseen connections intricately woven into the fabric of human aspirations


An endless cycle of evolution and perfection

Where every moment of loss is a moment of re-creation

As if absence itself becomes the creator

An act where an archetype takes shape, its roots planted in the shared, lost dreams.

As a Dreamweaver, the artist is also part of these hidden processes, as if every rupture and separated piece is not merely a simple loss but a sign of presence, reflecting greater complexity and depth.

Here, the dynamism of the object overshadows the object itself, playing the primary role: a flow in which separation is bound to union, and the union is reliant on separation, where detachment is not a sign of an ending but an opportunity for beginning, blooming, and further evolution.


It is a process akin to living, constantly losing and rediscovering, as if the core of every dream is reborn within itself.


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