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Zar(initial Eros)

solo exhibition

08 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024


"To survive, one must sometimes draw upon the enchanting expanse of death, understanding what lies between life and demise. What is it that dwells within another, a touch or a scent that could be our undoing? What essence within a plant transports us to another realm of perception? Only the precise time and measure must be chosen, which plant in which season. These have been my drives and questions, their answers as vague and elusive as trying to explain the reasons for a love to you.

In other words, I have explored my romantic feelings, penned poetry, sketched a plant, and crafted poison from its extract. Was I searching for meaning? Explicitly, no. What has occurred is a pursuit of truth down an unconventional path."


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Mahmoud Maktabi
Mahmoud Maktabi
Mahmoud Maktabi
Mahmoud Maktabi


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