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I, Who You Do Not Know

Photography, Film/Video, solo exhibition

15 Nov 2024 - 29 Nov 2024


Samira Eskandarfar is an inexhaustible multidisciplinary artist with a strong focus on subjects such as identity, gender and collective social issues. Her practice takes shape in blurry borders of consciousness and sub consciousness. Her critic of prevalent patriarchal unwritten rules of society widely practiced by both men and women, puts her in direct collision with norms of same society. Facing the difficulties of life in her homeland, she uses metaphor and provocative imagery to bravely and unapologetically portray the spirit of many valiant women of this country. Using her own face, she brazenly stares down the age old notions of forced faux-virtuousness and acceptability.

Fourteen years ago she displayed same thoughts in her series “You Make Me Cry”. Maintaining same postures and keeping true to her practice, she offers a set of new works that demonstrates her maturity and passage of time. The theatrical aspects of the new series are a fascinating part of the works, as if they are commercial posters to draw attention to issues that many young people face today.

Samira Eskandarfar is an extraordinary image maker who remains a creative advocate of what is very real to many women and indeed progressive men of this land and proves once again that her sensitive approach to art and her persistence are as fresh and though provoking as ever. 



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Samira Eskandarfar
Samira Eskandarfar
Samira Eskandarfar
Samira Eskandarfar


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