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The Cave of gods

Painting, solo exhibition

17 Jan 2025 - 31 Jan 2025


The Cave of gods is an attempt to both recall and remember. It is facing strange signs that have come to make you remember; so you would tell the story of yours.

This collection of subjective paintings began with a few sudden weird forms. Three years of spontaneous work and it found its own language. Each one bore this question underneath If You Remember?

Ancient civilization's art, kids' paintings and abstract and cubistic paintings have been inspiration for these artworks.

I chose black; thanks to Picasso when he said “if you don't know what colour to choose, pick black.”

What I do not know about these paintings are still more than what I know.

 Shirin Arabi


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Shirin Arabi
Shirin Arabi
Shirin Arabi
2021 | Shirin Arabi


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