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Photography, Film/Video, group exhibition

10 Jun 2016 - 20 Jun 2016


The original idea behind this collection has been based on the search for everyday and mundane pictures in the virtual space and the random selection of one of them as a source.
Hamireza Karami has written about this exhibition:
“Farzin Foroutan, Samira Davarfara, Saloumeh Souzanchi, Sahar Mokhtari, and Shaghayegh Cyrous exhibit a contemporary image of a persistent fear. What seems to have been an accidental encounter with a trivial image in the dazzling flux of images in the virtual space, has turned to an artistic point of departure to embody a sensation resulting from a confrontation with this trace of human pain and suffering.
An anonymous picture from the gas chambers of Auschwitz that at first sight, like an image of interwoven lines, reminiscing abstract patterns and reveal the horrific truth of the last ditch efforts of men and women to survive by clawing at the sooty walls of Nazi death camps.
The works of each one of these artists reflect the internalized iteration of this truth. It is the result of personal contemplation, and at the same time, coming from a common outlook, that in turn, highlights the mechanism leading to the creation of the works and the evolving process of the show’s essence in form of a collective work as an impressive and contemporary quality as well.  Thus, the outcome of their endeavor can be seen in a scope, ranging from explicit thematic development to implicit significations and personal connotations. Nevertheless, what remains in each center of attention, is the reminiscence of the fear of an unbridled, inhuman brutality, which is done in intellectual maturity of the modern world, in front of the world’s lethargic eyes. An artwork is a note that aims to awaken and to keep one awake, even though a world entangled in fanaticism cam still watch these cruelties in silence.”


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