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Angels of Chandelier

Painting, solo exhibition

30 Nov 2018 - 12 Dec 2018


Angels Of Chandelier

Horses, lions and exotic trees have been characters of storytelling of Sarabi for long time, to a point that he feels he owns these icons. Chandelier in the title of exhibition symbolically refers to sunflowers as it resembles to whence multiple flowers bloom and the gardener prunes small extra side flowers to make the main one stronger, this is why, although an unpruned flower might look extravagantly beautiful, it is weak and short-lived. It is as if these paintings remind us that a beautiful thing is only beautiful to its proper balanced limits and ends, and extravagance makes it bizarre and useless. Another example is freckles filling of a visage, freckles that a modest and balanced amount can be part of beauty of a woman’s face.

athough the painter insists on his attachment to his land, this attachment is not read easily in his images. He makes up stories in his paintings about where he lives, his nature and the reality around him.

Seeing the world through eyes of the painter is quite mesmerizing and surrealistic, as if a distant memory of a playful child who dreams riding an abandoned horse through the masses of young exotic trees over and over again. 


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Mostafa Sarabi
Mostafa Sarabi
Mostafa Sarabi
Mostafa Sarabi


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