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Calligraphy, solo exhibition

30 Nov 2018 - 10 Dec 2018


Less than two month ago, I went to visit and admire my professor's painting/calligraphy exhibition - Mr.Ebrahim Haqiqi - whose masterpieces on the walls of Sohrab Art Gallery brought wonder and admiration to the eye. Now, it’s time to attend Iman Mollajafari’s exhibition who presents his painting/calligraphy pieces for your kind adjudication.
I’ve known him since 18 years ago, when he was an M.A. student in Tehran University’s fine arts department. This artist who’s filled with creativity and energy, about to enter his forties.
He’s been a student of master artists such as Mr. Morteza Momayez, Sedaqat Jabbari, Mostafa Asadollahi, Mohammad Ahsaee, Abbas Mashhadi Zade and Farshid Mesghali.
The essence of his work in this exhibition, is the combination of the term “devotion in contrast with ignorance”. He stated that objection cannot solve difficulties, but affection can bring hearts together.
The admirable compositions and experience of this creative artist brought Nastaliq calligraphy together with painting, ingeniously and praiseworthily. As a result you have paintings inviting you to the banquet of light, color, meaning, design and on the top of all creativity.
I believe all visitors will admire him because, the exhibition of this indefatigable artist has promoted my visual memory.
Akbar Alami

Master Iman Mollajafari's pieces and creations from this exhibition come in such verity of sizes and extent, so radiant and potent in expressing the pleasant blue of the sky and charming cohabitation of this blue with various whites of clouds alongside the green of fresh grass from this extended universe on The Canvas, away from artificial realism and only with exploitation of exquisite compositions of an experienced master, is a demonstration of eagerness amongst the eager which resulted into – not just worthy – but desirable creations.
Abbas Mashhadi Zade 

How would it be possible to understand an artist's mentality through lines and representational art? Employing various elements and shaping regular forms, continuous stimulations and rhythm of arcs and bows in unsteady and unconscious situation, brings the collection of these pieces in to an abstract condition. In the end, in spite of employing various colors and tissues, drawing is considered to be the base of the art work and the artist's different approach to drawing, made his pieces totally different from the other artists from the same genre.
Saeed Ravanbakhsh


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Iman Mollajafari
Iman Mollajafari


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