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Mixed Media, solo exhibition

04 Jan 2019 - 29 Jan 2019



In his work, Mostafa Darehbaghi moves back and forth in time with time taken in its both senses: as a singular physical quantity, we measure by clocks or as an environment in which life of men flows (just as water for the fish) and to which all their behaviours, deeds, sayings and constructions are subject.
No matter how placeless the world of Mostafa’s works is or how their atmosphere, mostly temporal, is imbued with purity and simplicity, these works are charged with energy and mobility. Despite the void and ‘neatness’ that comes to eye on first sight and might appear austere or sterile, the works are brimming with a kind of dynamism or even rapture and hidden anxiety which the viewer recognizes if not mistaken by the neat finishing or the flawless technique. Such (in times) extreme uneasiness hidden under the apparently calm and tranquil surface is the result of a going back and forth. For, this very motion is the artist’s main concern, the persistent movement filling, despite the local limitation and temporal brevity, the abstract space of the work with life. 

Mehdi Sahabi


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Mostafa Darabaghi
Mostafa Darabaghi
Mostafa Darabaghi


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