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Before We Budge

Painting, solo exhibition

26 Apr 2019 - 10 May 2019


Before We Budge

Meticulousness is significant, not only in the manner of creation, but the infinite contemplation on the concept of time. The importance of the “present” moment—the same instant when clothes fall on the ground—is seen as time freezes and the scrutiny of the past starts; a past that once was the present. That is a careful investigation of a present that is constantly shaping the past and is nearly impossible to reclaim. It is as if any effort to save the remnants of the past is an attempt to cease time, restore the past and be immersed in an unending “present”. “The present moment becomes past before we budge.” *

* The title is borrowed from a poem by Abbas Kiarostami.


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Mahboubeh Norouzi


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