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Behnad Dahesh Gallery

Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization started its activities in the field of visual art from 1376 by showcasing pencil and ink drawings by Nafiseh Emdadi, since then the organization has been successful in holding 25 exhibitions and 2 major auctions all proceeds were used to build bunkers (rooms) for low linear energy accelerator and its equipment. In khordad of 1393 the organization, managed to open “Behnam Gallery” at its central office, Proceeds from the galley are spend on medicine and treatment for patients with cancer.Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization Calls on visual artists whom wish to help the organization in fulfilling its goals in helping and supporting cancer patients to contact the organization during working hours to learn more about upcoming interactions and how they can get involve.

Exhibitions of Behnad Dahesh Gallery

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Art Fairs participated Behnad Dahesh Gallery

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Artworks of Behnad Dahesh Gallery

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Katayoun Giti
Katayoun Giti
Shouresh Mobasheri
Shouresh Mobasheri
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