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Khak Gallery

Established in 2002 and directed by Mandana Farahmand Pooya, Khak Gallery is one of Tehran’s distinguished art galleries, with a solid background in visual and contemporary arts.

The gallery organizes monthly exhibitions throughout the year, ranging from photography and painting to installation and performance. Many of the past cutting-edge events have been received by the Iranian art community and critics as being sharply insightful and challenging contributing to a better understanding of the idea of curatorship and supportive for the growing art market in Tehran.

The gallery regularly features works by prominent artists but is also open to exceptional young artists acting as a venue for showcasing emerging talents.

As a progressive contemporary art gallery, Khak has maintained an ongoing commitment to bridging the significant gap between the new arts and the community.

Contact Khak Gallery

Exhibitions of Khak Gallery

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Art Fairs participated Khak Gallery

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Artworks of Khak Gallery

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2017 | Narges Hashemi
100×70 cm
2018 | Bita Fayyazi
45×45×65 cm
2020 | Kambiz Sabri
25×55×55 cm
2016 | Narges Hashemi
34.5×50.5 cm
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