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e1 Gallery

e1 art gallery's mission is to be in service of Art and Humanity, opening new doors to the wonders of the world utilizing culture and art.
The goal of this establishment is to introduce & support young emerging artists meanwhile showing our appreciation for the art of masters; we believe that the relation between an artist and the gallery is mutual, creating an environment for positive group effort.
Alongside supporting art & artists, all the earnings of e1 art gallery goes to charity and humanitarian activities.
We also plan not to limit our activities to Iran but by expanding our goals on an international scale in the future.
At the end we believe that supporting an artist is not only by purchasing his/her artwork, it is supporting hours of trial & error, all his/her moments of joy and sadness and finally to understand the artistic soul blown into every brush.

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Exhibitions of e1 Gallery

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Art Fairs participated e1 Gallery

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Artworks of e1 Gallery

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1973 | Masoud Arabshahi
100×130 cm
1986 | Masoud Arabshahi
145×171 cm
2012 | Masoud Arabshahi
127×127 cm
2012 | Masoud Arabshahi
140×180 cm
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