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Jaleh Art Gallery

The Jaleh Gallery as an independent institution has placed one of its main goals in the advancement of contemporary art in Iran and seeks to provide a context in which the situation is necessary for the presentation and teaching of contemporary art, especially in the new media field. Jaleh Gallery activities often include showing contemporary visual artwork, video art, installation, and performance, along with the organization of workshops in new media art.

The Jaleh Gallery was established in February 2017. One of its main approaches is to display young artists works and support them. Besides, tries to create a space for discourse between domestic and foreign artists on artistic subjects by inviting foreign artists.

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Exhibitions of Jaleh Art Gallery

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Art Fairs participated Jaleh Art Gallery

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Artworks of Jaleh Art Gallery

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Shirin Azadi
25×21 cm
Shirin Azadi
120×120 cm
Shirin Azadi
130×135 cm
Shirin Azadi
120×120 cm
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