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Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

موزه هنرهای معاصر تهران | Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art


Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, (Persian: موزه هنرهای معاصر تهران), also known as TMoCA, is among the largest art museums in Iran. It has collections of more than 3,000 items that include 19th and 20th century's world-class European and American paintings, prints, drawings and sculptures. TMoCA also has one of the greatest collections of Iranian modern and contemporary art.

The museum was inaugurated by Empress Farah Pahlavi in 1977, just two years before the 1979 Revolution. TMoCA is considered to have the most valuable collections of modern Western masterpieces outside Europe and North America.


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Exhibitions of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

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Art Fairs participated Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

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Artworks of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

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1954 | Marco Grigorian
9.5×10.5 cm
1953 | Marco Grigorian
93×130 cm
1973 | Marco Grigorian
156×65 cm
1974 | Marco Grigorian
180×180 cm
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