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Cama Gallery

CAMA (Contemporary And Modern Art) Gallery is an registered international institution that has been formed in re-sponse to an increasing global demand for Iranian artistic production. CAMA aims to encourage and facilitate the dis-semination of Iranian art, honouring the pioneers and established masters while also identifying and attracting young talents. Amongst its primary goals, CAMA also professes the desire to encourage and facilitate the culture of buying and selling artworks, building an infrastructure to boost the economy of Iranian art market and taking advantage of a variety of specialised services. Through extensive collaborations with a network of professors, professionals and lead-ing experts in various fields of the art world, offering support and services across a education, research, exhibitions, curating and consultation, CAMA provides a unique context for thriving entrepreneurship for artists and art enthusiasts alike.


CAMA Gallery's mission is to revolutionise the art industry in Iran and the Middle East. Showcasing art online and in physical galleries, CAMA offers established and aspiring artists global exposure and recognition. The CAMA online magazine keeps artists, new and old, updated with global trends whilst also offering insight into the newly internationally accessible marketplace of Iranian art.


As the leading authority on modern and contemporary Iranian art in the region, CAMA's vision is to build a global brand built on an appreciation of art and culture.CAMA aims to create a turnkey solution for artists, enthusiasts, collectors and dealers; when people think of Middle Eastern art, CAMA Gallery will be the best option.

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Exhibitions of Cama Gallery

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Art Fairs participated Cama Gallery

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Artworks of Cama Gallery

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Shahram Mozafari
100×100 cm
Shahram Mozafari
120×160 cm
Shahram Mozafari
120×80 cm
Shahram Mozafari
160×80 cm
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