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Faraz Anoushehpour

Faraz Anoushehpour

ویرایش اطلاعات

Faraz Anoushehpour

Born in Tehran, Iran


Faraz ANOUSHAHPOUR (Iran) was origrinally from Tehran but currectly lives and works in Toronto, Canada. Educated as an architect, he makes films in which he explores the city. Anoushahpour collaborates with Ryan Ferko and Parastoo Anoushahpur and appears in IFFR's programme for the first time in 2016 with Bunte Kuh.

Auctions participated by Faraz Anoushehpour

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Art Fairs participated by Faraz Anoushehpour

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Artworks of Faraz Anoushehpour

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