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Leila Eskandari

Leila Eskandari

ویرایش اطلاعات

Leila Eskandari

Auctions participated by Leila Eskandari

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Art Fairs participated by Leila Eskandari

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Artworks of Leila Eskandari

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"The spring" , from "This account is not the whole trurh" series
2022 | "The spring" , from "This account ...
125×120 cm
"The monument valley" , from "This account is not the whole trurh" series
2022 | "The monument valley" , from "This ...
127×168 cm
"A Tribute to the painter" , from "This account is not the whole trurh" series
2022 | "A Tribute to the painter" , from ...
127×168 cm
"Khosrow finds out about farhad affection for shirin" , from "This account is not the whole trurh" series
2022 | "Khosrow finds out about farhad af ...
150×168 cm
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